United by breaths, divided by self

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

A late friday morning, I welcome an unexpected visitor

Not here with intention, he says, a statement kinda sinister

Soon between us there’s no space, the past blocking any delimiter

Recalling all the math we practised, trying to find a common denominator.

I was tripping on the feeling that owning things brought to me

Forgot that sharing spoils of luck is where joy is ought to be

Kept everyone at bay, held at the length of a pocketknife

Soon ended up realising I was living only half a life.

His musty scent, the euphoria, was too much for me to handle

Forced myself to summon up how he let it all gamble

A fated breath, a dreamy gasp, was all it would have taken

He put me in these absurd conditions, left me shaken.

Hoping it’s a simulation, I beg them for my abdication

He doesn’t even know my flowers, brings me damned carnations

This is it, this is where it ends, this is the final goodbye

I just wish he’d turned and let me know that isn’t my last try.

Day twenty-three – a kinda sad poem.

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